Cape St. Vincent
Sagres, Portugal
New landmark building located on Cape St. Vincent, southern Portugal inviting visitors to reflect on their relationship with the indigenous environment.
Located at the end of the Cape St. Vincent peninsula the building is embedded into the existing landscape. The structure is formed of two levels, each offering different views and experiences. The top deck provides
a respite following the long walk from the town. From here, one has unobstructed, high-level
views of the historic coast line. It is also a perfect place for big-wave viewing. On the lower level, an enclosed garden with surrounding arcade offers a sheltered environment for contemplation and reflection. The journey concludes with a double height main space that offers grand panoramic views over the Atlantic Ocean.
The use of one material facilitates the impression
of a single object in the landscape. The straight lines of the board marked concrete are counter
balanced with the organic shapes of the native vegetation. The raw, textured finish, is a
reflection of the harsh and unforgiving nature of this part of southern Portugal.